From:尚哲堂中醫診所 Shang Zhe Tang Chinese Medical Clinic

Phone: 尚哲堂中醫診所 Shang Zhe Tang Chinese Medical Clinic
Fax: 尚哲堂中醫診所 Shang Zhe Tang Chinese Medical Clinic
尚哲堂中醫診所 Shang Zhe Tang Chinese Medical Clinic

To:Wong Fei Fai

Invoice # 3118
Issued on 2024-08-22
Due on 2024-09-05
Balance Due $380.00

Service 1.0

TCM Consultation





Product 2.0

3 Days Medicine







Total Owed

Info & Notes

Thank you; we really appreciate your business.

Terms & Conditions

We do expect payment within 21 days, so please process this invoice within that time. There will be a 1.5% interest charge per month on late invoices.

Balance of $380.00 is Overdue Make a Payment

Make a Payment

Oh no! So sorry. There are no payment options available for you to make a payment. Please let me know so I can figure out why.

Invoice History

Status Update 169 days ago

Status changed: Draft to Pending.